

Buy Your Tickets - OHA Medal Event


May 5, 2016 8am-9:30am Hotel Syracuse, Persian Terrace, 100 East Onondaga Street, Syracuse, NY
OHA Medal Event For the 25th time since its inception in 1945, the Onondaga Historical Association (OHA) Medal will be awarded to recognize distinguished contributions to local history and to the preservation and interpretation of the history of Onondaga County. This year’s honoree is Ed Riley, Owner, Hotel Syracuse.  Tickets are $50 per person, regular tables of ten are $400; patron tickets are $125 and patron tables are $1250.  Sponsorships begin at $500. For ticket and sponsorship information, call Lynne Pascale, Director of Development at (315) 428-1864, ext. 314 or email her at lynne.pascale@cnyhistory.org. Or call Karen Cooney at (315) 428-1864 ext. 312. Full buffet breakfast in the Persian Terrace of the Hotel Syracuse, 100 East Onondaga Street, Syracuse, 8am-9:30am. No tickets will be mailed - your PayPal email is your confirmation. Check-in the day of the event.

Ticket - $50

Table of 10 - $400

Patron ticket - $125

Name listed in the event program


Sponsorships: (contact OHA for complete listing of all sponsor benefits)
Presenting: $5,000 - two tables of 10 each

Historian: $2,500 - one table of 10

Patron Table: $1,250 - one table of 10

Friend: $500 - four tickets

Program Ad: (send b&w jpg to jon.zella@cnyhistory.org by April 25)
Full Page - $500 [4.75" x 7.5"]

Half Page - $300 [4.75" x 3.625"]

Quarter Page - $175 [1.75" x 4.75" or 4.75" x 1.75"]















Onondaga Historical Association
321 Montgomery St.,  Syracuse, NY. 13202
Phone 315-428-1864, Fax: 315-471-2133